Monday, August 30, 2010

Blame It On Me

I always loved Chrisette Michele song Blame It On Me, but never realized how much it related to me until recently. After pretty much having my heart broken for the second time of my life, I realized that it is best to take the blame for what was done and move on. Now I know anyone reading this would probably think I have lost my damn mind or that everything was probably my fault but I will explain this theory.

When ever a relationship does not work out with somebody I often think back on it and analyze it and think about what might have went wrong on both parts. I at some point come to term with what I did that was wrong and either decide whether this is a core quality that just did not mesh well with that person or it was something that I could actually change. Now when I think about what the other person did wrong, I start wondering why they did that or why did I allow it. This train of thought is where it goes downhill for me. I can fix me but I can not fix them and most often if you do talk to the person you still will not get the answer you want or an answer period. Then I sit and wonder what what I could have done to warrant such actions against me and thus put myself in this vicious ugly circle of no end. 

My point is, if I take on the blame then I can fix it and move the hell on. Even if most of it wasn't my fault it is much easier for me grow and heal and use the situation as a stepping stone rather than to dwell on the shit I can do nothing about. So yes blame it on me. I am strong, I can take it, use it to make me stronger and a reminder to never make those mistakes again.


1 comment:

  1. The fact that you are able to say "blame it on me" shows that you have now moved to a level where you have freed yourself from that which held you bound. No relationship is ever fully one parties fault when things have gone sour &when there is nothing left to fight for its not giving up, its just loving yourself more by knowing you should not hurt anymore. I have witnessed you through much of this "situation" &much like a rose you have evolved from a seed into a beautiful fully bloomed rose. Though your sweet exterior has been taken for granted you have somewhat learned how to use those fully developed thorns &at this point in time I believe you will fight in your defense. Remember this is a lesson learned &now a past chapter in your book of life. Be patient my sister for as you continue through your story of life know that there WILL be much happier chapters. One day you will reach that chapter in your story where your long awaited beloved hero will sweep you off your feet. God Bless!
