Thursday, September 23, 2010

Body Changes

As a woman, we all encounter the lovely hell week every month where some of us have cramps, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, basically everything on that Pepto Bismal commercial. Most of my life I have been lucky to not have suffered from most of these symptoms except minor lower back pain or cramps maybe once a year.

Since I have hit 25 how some of that has changed. My emotions have a mind of their own. I have cried more this year than I have in all of my 25 years (minus the baby years). My mood swings scare the hell out of me sometimes and my nipples get so sensitive that if the wind blows I feel as if I have been punched. Even though most of the times I don't suffer from this, when this does happen it is draining. This last cycle I sat and mulled over a situation that in reality I should have already put to rest so much that I emotionally drained myself and had to take a nap. I put myself in a situation where I knew I should have never been and then let guilt and the hypocrisy of my ways have its way with my mind as punishment for my wrong doings. I know most of us are hard on ourselves but I would lock myself up and throw away the key when I am unhappy with a decision that I make. The mixture of my wrong doing on top of my impending period being on its way proved to be so overwhelming that only slumber could take me away from my own suffering.

I have gotten to know my body and recognized the signs of change very well and one thing I know never to do is to add insult to injury with unnecessary problems while those changes are in process because that is sensory overload that I cannot deal with nor do I wish to put my poor loyal friends through every time I go through such a thing.


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