Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mind Your Business!!!

This title is funny because we all know I am nosey as hell, but there are certain things that even I know better than to get involved in. Ladies, we all talk about things whether it is relationships, work, or what Kisha from the hair salon did at the club Saturday night. Now here are some things that all of us ladies need to see and pretend like we didn't see it.

One example, yesterday my homegirl called me to ask me my advice on something that happened with another friend of hers. Both her and her friend are friends on Facebook with a guy my friend dated. They are currently just friends at the moment. He posted a status message on Facebook saying "My grandfather said do not marry the woman you love but the woman who loves you." Her friend proceeds to read this message and comment on the status basically saying she didn't like it or does not understand why he would feel such a way. She was basically insinuating that that is how he felt in regards to my friend. He read it and responded telling her that it wasn't for HER to understand. They exchanged some words and let it rest. Her friend then tells her about the status message and how she felt that it was in regards to her and felt like he was disrespectful and didnt really care about her if he felt such a way and blah blah blah. I kindly told my friend to tell her friends to have a fucking seat and "MIND YO GOT DAMN MUTHAFUCKING BUSINESS BITCH!!" * in Kevin Hart's voice*

The reason for this is because yes we as females talk and ask each other for advice, but we at times use our own situations to guide the advice we are giving instead of being openminded about the other person's whole situation. I know this because I have done it and even at times I might still do. I told her to not read anything into that message for the simple fact that it might have had nothing to do with her at all and she already has history of being extra for no reason. We as females want to give our two cents and tell how we would handle things forgetting that it is NOT our situation to handle and we all deal with things differently.  We allow people to tell us things about our own relationships and make decisions off of that instead of following what somebody else advice. I am all for other options but sometimes just listening to your friend is the only thing she needs. I know sometimes when I talk about a situation, when I hear myself I realize how ridiculous or stupid what I am saying is and check my own self. 

So ladies, lets all take a teaspoon of "mind your business" everyday. It will make everybody lives easier.


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